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Christina Myers
          Author & Editor

Anchor 1

About Me

I am an author, editor, and writing instructor. In a past life, I was a journalist, too. 

I like working in my garden and walking in the woods and cooking for people. And writing and reading (and talking about writing and reading, too.)  


I require almost zero provocation to put on a fancy dress, and I'm convinced that most gatherings warrant punch, in a punch bowl, with little punch glasses hanging off the rim. 

I live on the west coast of Canada and I am a member of Da'naxda'xw First Nation. 

I'm represented by Westwood Creative Artists.

Books & Other Writing
Upcoming Events

Current and upcoming readings, workshops, courses and more are updated regularly on my linktree page. 

Contact Me
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Want to work with me? Get in touch to talk about workshops, festival visits, author readings, editing, coaching and more.


Email: christinamyerswrites []

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